A 12-Week Coaching Container To "Know Thyself" 
To Create your Personal Pathway Leading to Purposeful Prosperity to be Proud of.  

What is it?  

Transform your life and unlock your full potential with our comprehensive program for self-mastery and purposeful prosperity. Our unique approach combines group and 1:1 coaching, a supportive community, an online course, and a wealth of resources to help you achieve your goals.

During this 12-week journey, you'll gain clarity and self-awareness, organize your priorities, and create a strategy to align with your purposeful prosperity. Our six pillars of Contemplation, Comprehension, Clarity, Connection, Creation, and Celebration will guide you through a holistic approach to personal growth and transformation.

Through online coursework, group coaching sessions, and personalized 1:1 support, you'll experience a supportive community that empowers you to become your best self. Join us on this transformational journey and unlock your full potential to live your dreams. Don't wait to start living your best life. 

Starting August 25th

This Program is for you if you are 

  • Seeking Clarity and Direction in life
  • Desiring Personal growth and Deep Transformation
  • Needing Accountability and Support to make real changes
  • Striving for a life of Meaning and Purpose
  • Ready to take action and turn your Dreams into Reality
  • Looking for a Community of Like-minded Individuals
  • Aspiring to start a Fulfilling Business and Make an Impact
  • Needing Guidance on Strategy, Marketing, and Sales

Listen to what others have experienced!

Thank you for your beautiful words! 

Topics for each Week

What You'll Learn

    • …learn to Map your Dreams and Anchor the Essence
    • …learn the Fundamentals of Consciousness, and Mindfulness
    • …learn how to Aim with Intention and Take Action Massively
    • …learn the Roles you have in this life and master them!
    • …learn how to Achieve the best (better) version of Yourself
    • …learn how to Create the Purpose of your Life
    • …learn how to Ground Down your Ever-Evolving Ideas
    • …learn to Connect with your Inner-Child and Listen…
    • …learn to Operate from your Zone of Genius
    • …learn how to Build your own Value Temple
    • Design a simple, effective Business Plan ready to execute
    • Compose a Soulful Strategy with Mission, Vision, and more
    • Serve the Perfect Offer to your Ideal Client
    • …learn how to be Productive without having the Stress
    • …learn how to Plan your Projects as a Pro
    • …learn how to Create a Growth Mindset
    • …learn how to Build Empowering Beliefs
    • …learn how to Develop an Empowering Attitude
    • …learn more about your Pretty Personality
    • …learn how to Properly set your Goals and Reach them
    • …learn how to Create your Personal Manifesto 
    • …learn how to Make the Right (better) Decisions 
    • …learn about the Medicine of Gratitude
    • …learn to Deepening your Emotional Intelligence
    • …learn how to Save Money Efficiently.
    • …learn how to Master your Energy
    • …learn how to Create a Clear Vision for your Future
    • …learn how to Build new Healthy, Happy Habits 
    • …learn how to Keep yourself Accountable
    • …learn how to Map your Life holistically and Create Balance
    • …Learn the Routine to Set yourself up for Success
    • …learn how to Trust and Surrender
    • …learn to Co-Create with Fear
    • …learn how to Ask better Questions
    • ...Lead with Love and Light

First Group Class 
Starts in.....









Weekly Transformation

Real stories from real people

Hear from Happy Participants who Went before You

Ida - United States

Andrea - Peru

Jade - France

Chelsea - The Netherlands


You’ll have everything you need to Regain Clarity, Master Yourself, and Create Purposeful Prosperity.


Life-time Access Course Content

  1. 9 chapters + 44 Insightful Lessons
  2. Elevating Videos
  3. 50+ Creative Exercises (online & offline)

   VALUE: €1500

Membership Site Access

  1. Course displayed in your own Learning Portal (and App)
  2. Exclusive Community Access
  3. Supporting Tools & Material 55+ Exercises

   VALUE: €100


14 hours of Live classes, and Q&A's

  1. Weekly group calls 1,5 hour via Zoom
  2. Period of 10 weeks, Ask Me Anything

   VALUE: €1,200

Bonus Components

Personal Blueprint Discovery

  1. 30 min Zoom Call
  2. Complete Life-assessment
  3. Informal Introduction & Connection

   VALUE: €100


4 hours of 1:1 coaching

  1. Bi-Weekly 1 hour call via Zoom
  2. On-going support through WhatsApp or Telegram
  3. Moment to work through whatever needs attention

   VALUE: €800


Every Chapter is Filled with Magic for you to Discover Yourself Step by Step in Perfect Order!

1 - Set up for Success

  1. Wonderful Welcome
  2. Set up Sacred Space
  3. Loving Reminders
  4. Conscious Commitment
  5. Mental Preparation

2 - Anchor the Essence of your Dreams

  1. Connecting with the Inner Child
  2. Dream-Mapping
  3. First Fears
  4. Intentional Aim & Action
  5. Visualisation Activation
  6. Your Avatars Needs
  7. Vision of Value

3 - Awareness Accelerator

  1. The Art of Asking Good Questions
  2. Deepening your Emotional Intelligence
  3. Consciousness and it's Content
  4. Your Pretty Personality
  5. The Art of Decision Making
  6. Mindful Mission

4 - Mindset Mastery

  1. Question Everything
  2. Limiting Beliefs versus Empowering Beliefs
  3. Change your Attitude
  4. Practise Perspective
  5. Graceful Gratitude
  6. Your Ideal Client

5 - Restorative Reflection

  1. Grow your Roots & Stand Strong
  2. Discover Your Eulerian Destiny
  3. Know your Yourself
  4. The Roles you Play in Life
  5. Your Zone of Genius
  6. Products to be Proud off 

6 - Harmonizing Happiness

  1. Befriend Death
  2. Inner Child Healing
  3. Build your own Value Temple
  4. Fulfilling Forgiveness
  5. Considered Scenario's

7 - Stress-Free Productivity

  1. Make room for what is Meaningful
  2. Keep Track
  3. Meaningful Goal-Setting
  4. Beautiful Boundaries
  5. Your Fuck Yes!

8 - Soulful Strategy

  1. Powerful Pursuit
  2. Monthly Magic
  3. The Art of Storytelling
  4. Your Magical Manifesto
  5. Unfaltering Focus

9 - Amazingly Aligned

  1. The Hidden Truth of Reality 
  2. Spiritual Surrender
  3. Your IKIGAI
  4. Devotion over Dedication
  5. Graceful Gift Giving


What Other Creators Are Saying

Enroll in Course Today
  • Jordy’s a bright light shining in this crazy world.
    He sees the good all around and his energy helps ground those around him. He’s motivated and driven and you’ll leave his course organized and bursting with love.

    J. Liu

    Tatoo Artist

  • Jordy is a skilled facilitator and teacher.
    He creates a safe and constructive space in his classes where people from varied backgrounds with varied goals can connect in their pursuit of a deeper experience and greater awareness.

    S. Pearse

    Registered Psychologist

  • The course I did with Jordy gave me so much clarity about the next steps in my life. The content and tools provided were exactly what I needed at that moment and also the connection with the people in the group felt very supportive and safe!

    I. Lupo

    Massage Therapist

Want to know more?

Frequently Asked Questions

Read on for some answers to burning questions from our community:

1:1 Coaching call:
4 hours in total

Live classes & Q&A:
1.5 hours per week - 12 weeks

(recommended) 4 hours per week

The live events start from August 25th 2024 and are weekly during the following times:

Live Classes & Q&As are on Thursday. Every week. Event times: 8 – 9.30 PM CET Amsterdam time (1,5 hours)
Perfect time for Europe & USA

Dates & Times for 1:1 Coaching will be scheduled per person

You will receive an email with your unique login link to access the event from Sincerely, Your Soul.
The email will be sent to your nominated email address which you have provided to us.
Live Events will be hosted on Zoom.
The Course lives in Your Own Membership Portal, where you can ask additional questions, in the course and in the Community Platform. 
Personal contact will be via Zoom, WhatsApp, (or Telegram) and Email

No worries at all!

All the sessions will be recorded and uploaded to your membership portal for you to watch after, with lifetime access.

  1. No longer experience your head filled with disturbing and distracting noise
  2. Complete (re)discovery of self
  3. Embrace your authenticity and unpack your gift. Step into your personal mission.
  4. Feel a full charge of joy and motivation in your glorious journey back to self.
  5. Feel a new sense of belonging, purpose, and creativity
  6. A complete personal manifesto for your life to act as a compass.

    You’ll be able to create a new sense of consciousness and inner well-being. You’ll be able to be in more loving relationships. To feel and relate better. Protect yourself and our world better. Be able to care more, have more compassion, and lead and inspire others.
    Established a conscious peer group to continue your journey with after the program
  7. And Brazilian other things more…

I want to be straight up with you!
This is NOT for those who are only looking for significance and a status update. People who love comparing, but hate relating. 

It's just not that kind of Program...

Also, if you don't want to show up for yourself, and do the work.

If you walk around with questions as:

  • "What if I don't live up to my full potential?
  • "What am I here to do? There must be something more than this!”
  • "How do I find answers to important life questions?" 
  • "Can I still create a body and mind that I am happy with?"
  • "What if I don't achieve all my dreams and aspirations?"
    And most frighteningly…
  • "How do I break out old rusty patterns that are no longer serving me?"
  • "What if this becomes a pattern, and I don't improve my life not just this year, but for the next 15 years!"

I think you see where I am going, right?

If you are not sure, hop on a free discovery call, and I will talk you through it, and let's see together if it is a fit.

Book your free call

I created this container and course for you to master yourself. To understand every aspect of your beautiful life, and make a strategy to be prosperous with a purpose.

Don't forget, ultimately, you have to get the results yourself, but we'll help you through systems, mentorship, accountability & your peer group! 

Mentorship: Eliminate 90% of the wasted time, money, and frustration by getting help from a trusted mentor who has “walked the walk” and reached the goals you aim to achieve in your personal life and ultimately in business.
Attend live hours of Q&As, Group meetings, and coaching calls with Jordy to get “unstuck” and stay on track.

Systems: At the heart of the program lies a complete stand-alone course on life, with a printable workbook, 50+ videos, and 50+ exercises to help you quickly make a strategy for your life. You’ll use these systems, frameworks, and exercises to eliminate the guesswork associated with personal and spiritual growth, so you can spend 100% of your time getting results.

Accountability: Members are required to be accountable, both to themselves and others. Each week, you’ll report on the exact steps you’re working on to grow your personal life (and business goals). This will help you stay accountable and on track.

Peer Support: Nothing creates more positive energy, momentum, and rapid results than surrounding yourself with other like-minded men who share your commitment to creating a greater and more fulfilling life through delivering your message and gifts most authentically. You’ll have around-the-clock access to an international group of like-minded peers.

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

know that if you put in the effort, you'll exit this program with:

A crystal clear mind(set), new purpose and meaning, conscious direction.

Basically, every tool you need to stay balanced, centered, and empowered.

But, if, for some reason, the program isn't delivering for you,
let me know within two weeks, and I'll give you a full refund.

This program is not only created to set you up and then leave you in the dry.

For those who are interested, you can continue with your own peer-group for free. We will set it all up for you!

You'll have all the tools you need to keep working on yourself with the support of your own group.

  • Soulful Solutions

    “I'm doing the self-mastery course right now! I have to say that my life has been somewhat challenging recently, I'm 3 weeks into this course now and already making huge changes, challenging myself to see my old habits, physically, spiritually, mentally! Having the support from Jordy, and the group is really quite something. It's not easy to do the work, but it has to be done! Manifesting self-discipline and keeping my promises! Thank you Jordy for your offerings! Much love brother!🙏”

    Sports Coach

  • Soulful Solutions

    “Working with Jordy was extremely helpful for me. I went from feeling vague in my vision to fully getting it down on paper as well as taking steps to fulfil it. His coaching has been both inspiring and motivating, and the material from his course has given me plenty of useful information that i am sure i will revisit for years to come. Thank you Jordy for your endless dedication, hard work and beautiful spirit. Looking forward to working together again!”

    Ecstatic Dance DJ/Producer

First Group Class 
Starts in.....








  • Soulful Solutions

    “Jordy is a gentle motivator of your true potential. He is neither forceful nor complacent, asking just the right questions to pierce through your fears and limiting beliefs. I felt like I could share my deepest secrets with him. Working with Jordy gave me hope for my future and helped me see possibilities where before I saw none. His approach is structured yet flowing, and he honors your level of readiness and awareness. Follow the exercises and you will receive great clarity.

    Jordy sees your potential, believes in you and is there for your unfolding - all that's required is for you to commit to taking the steps. Even just a small one goes a long way. Ultimately, I still have a long path to walk. But with Jordy's guidance, the first steps - and some of the most difficult ones - have been taking.

    Just some developments and results since starting the Program:
    This month will be my most abundant month EVER in my life; I'm making more than at my 30-week office job doing something I LOVE! My passions. I've been getting a lot of demand and beautiful connections.
    My social media is actively growing every day.
    Beautiful people showed up at my event.
    I am on the road to financial freedom and am finally excited about this.
    So the most significant shift has been mindset. And Jordy, your exercises and our calls have been a massive support in changing it.
    Grateful to you brother Jordy 🙏🏼❤️🌼”

    Ceremony Facilitator, Astrology Reader and Energy healer

Highly aware strategic action, 
to achieve what you set out to achieve,
with a clear headed mind and wholehearted being.

"Everything goes smoother when you know who you are,
know where you are going, and have a soulful strategy to get there!"