Jordy Jaarsma



When I was young, I used to admire successful, wealthy people;
as I am growing older, I just admire kind people.

jordy picture general


  • Conscious Executive - Business Coach
  • Spiritual Transformation Teacher
  • Course & Ceremony Facilitator
  • Breath-Work Instructor & Yoga Teacher

Quick Summary 

Professional Highlights:

  • Marketing Graduate: Holds a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, bringing strategic insights to business endeavors.
  • Sales Expert: Boasts over 12 years of successful sales experience, in a variety of different industries around the world.
  • Global Perspective: Enriched by living in four different countries, fostering adaptability and cross-cultural communication skills.
  • Yoga Instructor: 700-hour Certified Yoga Teacher, specializing in Pranayama and Meditation techniques.
  • Yoga Teacher Trainer: Taught at eight Yoga Teacher Training, focusing on Pranayama and Meditation instruction for aspiring instructors.
  • Business Coach: Mentored over 200 individuals in business strategies and personal development, empowering them to achieve professional success.
  • Workshop Host: Facilitated 30+ workshops and courses, fostering mindfulness and holistic well-being in participants.


Have been living abroad since the age of 19, in countries like; 
Curacao, Nepal, Dubai, Peru 
And many more places to come.


For those Who Really want to Know me

My perspective:
An old soul in a young body.
Lived everything I could,
been everything I was,
aiming to become my greatest, always! 
Purposeful, confident, and divinely guided,
living my chosen way of life
with deep integrity and humor
— sensitive, spontaneous, and spiritually alive,
with a heart-commitment
to continuously discovering
and living my most
profound truth.


From a young age, my feet were made for soccer. I was filled with energy, passion, and an unrelenting competitive spirit. But I was also kind, caring, sensitive, and overall a happy kid. Even as a young player, I excelled on the field, playing with older kids and higher teams. I believed I was destined for greatness, until a devastating injury threatened to shatter my dreams.

During a match when I was 12 years old, I broke my left shin in two. The sound of the snap echoed throughout the sports complex, and tears flowed freely down my face. But after a summer of gruelling rehabilitation, I made a triumphant return to the field, eventually playing for the national team under 16. But despite my best efforts, I was never able to recapture my former glory.

As it turns out, that injury was a blessing in disguise. With less intensity in my life, I had the opportunity to explore other passions, spending time with woman, working early sales jobs, and pursuing my bachelor's degree at Amsterdam University. Though I was the youngest in my marketing dual course, I was forced to mature quickly, adapting to the age differences of 5 to 15 years between myself and my peers.

Despite my youth, I had already enjoyed some incredible job opportunities, allowing me to begin as a junior account-manager at a personal assistant company in Amsterdam at the age of 18. There, I was exposed to a variety of work challenges and met people from all over the world, which inspired my desire to travel.


Curacao 2013:

Part of the ABC Islands in the Southern Caribbean Sea  

At 19, I made the decision to move to Curacao, where I worked as a marketing manager and was entrusted with handling deals worth over 100K. Alongside that demanding job, I worked a 50 hour workweek at one of the most luxurious beach clubs on the island, where I worked my way up to become responsible for the VIP section. There, I learned that even the most famous Dutchmen were not immune to a bad attitude, but I was inspired to always treat people with kindness and respect. I learned that money can not buy a nice personality. 

After spending six months working on the beautiful island, I returned to the Netherlands and started working at a beach club (I just loved the beach life), while simultaneously starting my own company, The GreenTower, with a business partner. The GreenTower was a revolutionary vertical garden tube that could grow vegetables and fruits on a small surface area, and it taught me a lot about gardening, the food industry, and entrepreneurship. 

Below you can find a little promo of the company I started as mentioned above; The GreenTower

I fell in love with entrepreneurship while being part of the Amsterdam Center of Entrepreneurship, where I received on-the-job coaching. One day, after attending a lecture given by a coach, I learned about an Impact business accelerator in Nepal, and I knew that it was my next destination.


Nepal 2015:

Birthplace Buddha, land of the Himalayas (the Roof of the World).

At age 20, I flew to Nepal where I worked as a sourcing manager for a social impact investment agency. I was responsible for visiting companies in the impact sectors to see if they were investment-ready, and I conducted an extensive research into the agricultural sector by visiting all the major ministries in the country, talking to ministers, about potential development. Additionally, I worked for a business accelerator called Rockstart, where I helped develop the program and its participants, giving keynote presentations in the country, focusing on high-potential entrepreneurs who needed further development. This experience allowed me to learn more about entrepreneurship, social investing, and real impact, as well as the inequality present throughout the world. I also participated in my first yoga class with a true yogi and began to explore spirituality, which would play a significant role in my life later on. After a wonderful time in Nepal, I went on a trip to Everest Base Camp with my sister, thanking the country from the foot of the highest mountain on earth.

Returning to the Netherlands at age 21, I landed a senior position within an IT company that provided services to large companies in a variety of industries. Despite applying for a junior position, I was offered a position directly on the team by the commercial director and management. In this role, I was responsible for a portfolio of clients and advised CEOs, CFOs, and IT managers on how to implement IT solutions and overall strategy, while managing this back into the internal organisation. While the job gave me a sense of accomplishment, it was also an incredible stressful time in my life, and I felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities in my hands. 

The weight of expectations from colleagues, clients, and family bore down on me, as I poured myself into my role as a key account manager. I immersed myself in mastering the intricate details of the offerings I presented to clients, early mornings and late nights were the norm. I was the first in, and last one out of the office, with evenings, and weekends spent at the library. My hard work paid off, as I drove my fancy sports car and settled into my nicely located city apartment in Utrecht, at the tender age of 22. However, my heart yearned for something more.

Although I grew comfortable in my role pretty fast, I knew something was amiss. I desired a deeper sense of fulfillment, one that nourished my soul and brought me true balance and happiness. I craved productivity without stress and overwhelming pressure, optimal health and serenity. I also longed to reconnect with my body and spirituality, both of which I had been estranged from. With unwavering determination, I sought the secrets to a fulfilling life of energy and peace, disconnecting from the material world and focusing on my inner self.

In my spare time, I threw myself into the study of productivity, wellness, and spiritual well-being, taking weekly yoga classes, soul-journeys, meditation courses, and other spiritual explorations that many of my friends couldn't fathom. As I penned my newfound insights and experiences, my personal manuscript for a life of purposeful prosperity and tranquility began to take shape.

After two more years of soaking up knowledge in the role of key account management, I continued to work on my personal manuscript with the goal of breaking free from the state of imbalance, disharmony, stress, and unhappiness that I found myself in, and that I saw so clearly within society. Ultimately, I summoned the courage to quit my job without having anything else next, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

However, the reality was that I had no financial security and needed to figure things out. Looking back I really didn’t have a plan. And when you don’t make your own plan and follow it, you most certainly will become part of someone else’s plan. And that is what happened. Eventually, I was presented with two job offers - the first being to start and manage a successful software company in London, and New York which had already a strong presence in Amsterdam, or the second being to take a sales manager position for a broker firm in the offShore business, in Dubai, an entirely new industry for me, again.

With no money to spare and a reluctance to commit to starting a company for someone else, I was forced to delay my dream of realizing a purposeful and prosperous life on my own terms. As a result, I made the decision to sell all my possessions, abandon my city apartment, and move to Dubai at the young age of 24 to pursue an endeavour of selling big ships in the Middle East. 


Dubai 2018:

Concrete Business Jungle; known to traders as 'City of Gold'. 

Dubai was a singular experience that left me in amazement. The transformation that has occurred in just over 40 years is a testament to the incredible progress and vision of the Arab people. What was once a humble fishing village has been transformed into a concrete business jungle, complete with the latest technology, the most innovative architecture, and the largest shopping malls in the world. However, as I lived and worked in this environment, I couldn't help but feel disillusioned by the focus on material possession, pride, greed, and unconscious behavior.

Though I had been living the high life - working hard, playing hard, making deals and rubbing elbows with sheiks and business elites - I realized that it was all superficial, feeding the ego, all without real connection, and meaning.

Despite participating in this lifestyle for a time, working six days a week and indulging in expensive restaurants and networking events at the most glorious hotels and palaces, I found myself lacking a deeper sense of fulfilment, again. I spent most of my time working or indulging in vices like cigarettes and alcohol (drinking away my loneliness and misery), never finding a true sense of connection or purpose. After eight months of really trying to make it work, I came to terms with the fact that this lifestyle was not for me. In my heart I had to admit I already knew this before embarking on this journey, but sometimes circumstances and people push you in a certain direction.  I longed for something deeper and more meaningful, and spent my days off continue contemplating the true essence of a fulfilling life.

During my time living in the Marina area of Dubai, I found solace and a sense of belonging through my full inclusive yoga subscription. Under the guidance of a seasoned swami from India with over four decades of experience, I gained invaluable knowledge through his teachings from his extensive travels across India and the world. Alongside my yoga practice, I joined a mindfulness group where we meditated and listened to lectures, and a men's group where we delved into life's complexities and shared our struggles. It was refreshing to embrace healthy masculinity, a quality that is often overlooked in today's society, where men are expected to suppress their emotions and carry on even when they are struggling within.

In addition to my daily routine of yoga and meditation, I spent my free time indulging in activities such as reading books on the beach, exploring the desert, and listening to podcasts while long-boarding through the bustling streets of Dubai. I also fell in love with the Arab world in general, traveling for work throughout all the Emirates and venturing to neighboring countries like Oman and Kuwait. I count myself fortunate to have experienced the culture, met its beautiful people, admired the mesmerising mosques, and savored the delectable Arabic cuisine. As a mark of my appreciation, I even participated in the Ramadan period and in several cultural activities.

Overall, I felt that my life in the Middle East was lacking something fundamental. It wasn't about wanting more money or possessions, on the contrary; it was a deeper longing for connection and spirituality that I couldn't find there, while doing what I was doing. Despite my professional success, including closing significant deals in a challenging market and having my contract renewed and improved, I knew that I needed to follow a path that felt more meaningful to me. It was in the desert, in the heart of the Middle East, that I realized I could no longer ignore this calling, and made the decision to pursue only something that would be close to my heart and make a positive impact on the world, and I knew that it was time for me to leave the region.

Overall, my time in Dubai taught me the importance of pursuing what truly matters to me and finding deeper connections in life, rather than just material possessions and status.


Peru 2019:  

Home of the Andes mountains, Plant-Medicines, and Inca Wisdom

After returning to the Netherlands and working for a short time in a hard-rock café, in the centre of lovely Amersfoort, I saved up enough to buy an plane ticket and a laptop, to pursue a long-held dream of living in the high mountains of Peru, continue working on my manuscript, connect with the spirit of grandmother Ayahuasca, (a plant medicine used in sacred ceremonies to ignite spiritual experiences and promote healing), and focus on personal growth, while integrating all the hard work I had done. 

Nonetheless, life had other plans for me. In the little town of Pisac in the Sacred Valley of Peru, (the land of the mighty Incas) I quickly made connections in my first days and found work as the manager of a community center that also served as a restaurant and conscious bar, where I also started coaching the owner. 

Furthermore, I made the decision to spend most of my savings on a yoga teacher training course, which also led me to adopt a precious 2-month-old dog from a 14-year-old girl who couldn't care for her anymore. All within my first  6 weeks. This little being has become the light of my life, and I can't wait to share more about her in the future.

Before you read on, below you find a little video of Shiri and me, and our daily joy: 

Continuation of Text.....

As I pen these words, I reflect on a profound transformation that occurred roughly four years ago. I reinvented myself, and emerged from the dark night of the soul as a wholly different being.

The catalyst for this metamorphosis was my innate desire to explore this world, the depths within myself and initiations to different spiritual practices. I took several courses in yoga, mediation (vipassana), and breath-work. I have sought out solitude and contemplated in the high Andes Mountains, hikes intensely with my little dog, and took out groups to experience the magic of the Apus (mountain spirits). I have explored the Amazonian Jungle, Visited sacred sites and lakes, explored indigenous communities, soaking in the wisdom this breathtaking land and culture has to offer. I have participated in and facilitated ceremonies, like Temazcal (sweat lodges), cacao rituals, sound healing journeys, and conscious events.

A big support on my journey were also various plant medicines, many of which are unfamiliar to the uninitiated. While I won't boast of these experiences as trophies, I do want to impart awareness of the sacred, beautiful spirits that have served both me and humanity in immeasurable ways. Some parts of the depth at which these medicines work remain incomprehensible to me, but one thing I know for certain: modern Western medicine has much to learn from the plant intelligence that has existed on this earth long before our time.

From all plant-medicine, my deepest intention was to sit in ceremony with Ayahuasca, a traditional spiritual medicine that has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples in the Amazon basin of South America. This brew, made from the Ayahuasca vine and other plants, is believed to provide access to higher levels of consciousness and allow the individual to connect with the spirit world. While the experience can be intense and challenging, traditional practitioners view the accompanying vomiting as a cleansing process.

In addition to Ayahuasca, I have had the honor of sitting in ceremony with many other sacred plant medicines, including Huilca, San Pedro, Kambo, Rapé, Chilcuague, Cacao, and some other medicine from this abundant earth (known as PachaMama).

Before reading on. Below you find a little snippet of how a Rapéh Ceremony Looks Like.
This is also the way of how the Huilca Medicine is being applied. After the video I continue my story...

 Continuation of Text.....

 Of all these medicines, I connected most with Huilca and Ayahuasca. This led me to spent three months drinking the sacred brew of Aya every week, sometimes twice a week, while simultaneously dieting the Coca and Tobacco plants.

Dieting the Coca plant involves ingesting the leaves that have been used for centuries by the indigenous people of the Andes for their medicinal, cultural, and spiritual significance. The Coca plant is considered sacred and seen as a gift from the gods. Similarly, drinking the tobacco brew induces vomiting, cleansing, and grounding. (No worries, I won’t go into further detail about that now).

During this intense three-month period of strict dieting, I faced the most challenging experience of my life. Not only did I undertake the Ayahuasca diet, which involves abstaining from certain foods and substances to prepare the body and mind for the plant medicine, but I also maintained a full-time work schedule. 

I have been humbled and blessed to participate and eventually facilitate in ceremonies with plant medicine while expanding my knowledge and understanding of the magic that life has to offer.

The plants' medicine has undoubtedly played a significant role in my transformation, but that was just a part. In my first year being in Peru, I finished the manuscript I previously talked about above and launched online courses based on its content, hosted many in-person workshops, and co-created retreats and trainings, all designed to impart smart and soulful strategies for creating abundance in life with peace, harmony, and love. 

I've taken on several roles since relocating to Peru, including yoga teacher, breath-work instructor, meditation guide, executive consultant, and coach for soulful businesses. 

In addition to my various roles, I embarked on a mystical journey with a former client who became a dear friend, teacher, and inspiration to me. Together I helped her birth SolSeed (School of Ecological and Esoteric Design), a Mystery school focus on the evolution of consciousness, and most certainly worth exploring when you visit Peru.

As a conscious consultant and guide for executives and leaders, I've helped more than 250 individuals, with 2000+ coaching hours, find their purpose, unlock their potential for purposeful prosperity, and start or build out their businesses, while focusing on a healthy, balanced life in peace, and deep connection.

My explorations have taken me around the world to work with individuals of all ages, from 21 to 73, and all disciplines.

From business owners in many different sectors, to retreat leaders, yoga schools, coaches, artists, healers, and creative individuals, I am not only guiding the most amazing people, but am learning so much along the way. 

I am grateful and honored to walk this path, roam this sacred earth, and keep expanding my knowledge and experience. Ultimately true knowledge is only attained through experience.

I am on a personal mission to inspire and create the new conscious leaders of tomorrow by guiding individuals towards a life of purpose and deep meaning, while prioritizing honesty, humility, honor, love, compassion, intelligence, respect, consciousness, and the sacredness of our planet.

Through my work as a conscious executive consultant, coach for soulful businesses, spiritual life teacher, and instructor in breathwork, meditation, and yoga, I seek to help individuals connect with their inner selves, discover their deepest essence, and create purposeful prosperity,
from a place of purity, equanimity and love.


"I have dedicated most of my life exploring the world, cultures and businessesstudying what it means to live a meaningful life. Everything about happiness and how you can be more conscious, joyful, and balanced in daily life. How you can achieve your dreams in a balanced and more fun way. And become the pure potential you have always been."

You don’t have to “work hard”
to achieve your purpose.
You have to work hard to let go of your mental limitations
that are blocking the purpose from unfolding naturally.
I would love to help you with that.