Conscious Business Coaching for Entrepreneurs
that Value Kindness, Compassion, Honesty
and everything else that comes with your Spiritual Journey

For All...
Entrepreneurs - Business Owners - Coaches - Creatives - Healers,
who are looking for Soulful Strategies & Heartfelt Support around;

  • Designing a Clear Business Plan
  • Composing a Mission & Vision with Purpose
  • Serving The Perfect Offer to Your Ideal Client
  • Formulating a Soulful Strategy
  • Creating Marketing, Sales & Operation Plans
  • Planning & Implementations of Projects
  • Energy & Time-Management
  • Learn the Hacks for Stress-Free Productivity
  • Mapping your Life Holistically For Balance
  • Creating the Routine for Soulful Success
  • Utilise Best Templates. Tools, Tips & Tricks 
  • Focus on Impact, Effective, Massive Action

Hear from Those who Received Coaching

Soulful Solutions
R. Luna Vega Boschiazzo - Holistic Life-Coach, Inner-Child Healer, Artist

“I just had my fifth session with Jordy today and I am so grateful to have found and chosen him as my personal business coach. Since the first session I felt listened. He has a serious interest in getting to know what you are dealing with at this moment so he can best support you. There is no small thing or personal issue you cannot talk about with him. I find his work method clear and to the point. He allows you to work at your own tempo and is willing to eventually take you by the hand to tack the areas that you find more difficult. His sessions leave me always motivated to move to the next level. I have learned plenty of things that are helping me being more organized and use my time more effectively. In this short time, I have increased the number of clients and have a roadmap of the things I need to do to work more efficiently. I highly recommend working with Jordy because he is very knowledgeable in his field, has great empathy and genuinely cares about helping you improve your business. Thank you, Jordy, for enriching the way I do the work I am so passionate about.”

Holistic Life-Coach, Inner-Child Healer, Artist

Soulful Solutions
B. Stone - Writer, Digital Finance Analyst

“Working with Jordy one-on-one has been such a game-changer. I have gained so much clarity around my purpose and the next steps.
When I first met with Jordy, I had in mind some ideas about my business, some struggles I had with that, and challenges that were coming up that I just wanted to have a sounding board for. Someone to talk it through with.
I found after a few coaching sessions, that both in the psychological realm, like that in the spiritual realm, I was feeling a bit down, low energy, and also disorganized in other areas of my life.
Jordy is a great, kind-hearted person who listens to these problems and provides some actionable advice on the spot.
He made me see that it all ties into what you are doing in business and your work and professional life. Because ultimately, If you haven't sorted yourself out, it will be challenging to help others or get along with others or run your business and provide value to the external world. So Jordy makes sure you start with yourself. The first several sessions were not necessarily about my business and how to succeed there, but rather more on a fundamental level of sorting myself out. Laying out all the things that were blocking me and being honest about that.
He takes on all areas of life; your relationships, your spiritual life, your (mental) health, and business of course. With his guidance, I found the strength and the courage to tackle all these problems, which I wouldn't usually recognize as challenges or correctly label them that way.
I would highly recommend working with Jordy. I got an enormous amount of value out of it and am very grateful.”

Writer, Digital Finance Analyst

Soulful Solutions
Elowan Hambright - Intuitive Coach and Healer - Community Manager

“Before I started working with Jordy, I felt a deep resonance with him that called me to him. And then, after I signed up for a one-day strategy alignment session, it was a beautiful experience where I felt really held and cared for, what make me sign up for a 6 month coaching program.
He was really listening to me and wanted to help me grow and develop as a human to be happy. Jordy has many skills and techniques from the business world that are super helpful for me as a spiritual person who doesn't want to necessarily be too much in the business mindset but more in the offering mindset. I think he does an outstanding job of holding both realms of logic, emotions, and spirituality. I highly recommend working with him if you desire some clarity and more structure to further your development and evolution.”

Intuitive Coach and Healer - Community Manager

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs, is people who have come alive.

~ Howard Thurman  

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Hear from Those who Went Before You

Soulful Solutions
Mari Liss Núñez - Co-creator Sananda Quantum Healing Project

“Hello, my name is Mari Liss Núñez, I am the co-creator of the Sananda quantum healing project, and I connected with Jordy through vibration because since I saw his advertisements, I felt that he could help me. And I was not wrong. I have received individual coaching with him, and it has been wonderful because it has allowed me to lay the foundations for organizing my project. And to do it more professionally in terms of organization and marketing strategy and the business model that I was very interested in achieving. Jordy is a very friendly and professional person; his knowledge is wholly focused on the person's needs. He asked me many questions to know what I was looking for, which is important because we were able to go to the focus of what I needed. In addition, he is connected with the other person; I felt his empathy with me as a person, not only as an entrepreneur, but also the individual interest in the human being and the soul. He is open to all concepts, and I highly recommend his private coaching, which is very well focused, and the group ones are special too. He has a long-term growth vision and a focus on the present. I highly recommend it. Thanks Jordy.”

Co-creator Sananda Quantum Healing Project

Soulful Solutions
Ron Alayza - Owner Hatha Art Yoga

“I felt amazingly welcome at Jordy's space, so I opened up right on sharing about my current personal situation and my projects. Jordy showed genuine interest in both; he holds an incredible knowledge about business and strategy while keeping an open mind to my points of view and thoughts; also, he's very creative. I did the right thing by working with Jordy, as I feel I can define and execute everything around my business much better.”

Owner Hatha Art Yoga

Soulful Solutions
Sam Howard - Mental Wellness Mentor

“Working with Jordy was a beautiful experience. From the moment I walked through his door, I knew that he was devoted to my business, learning, and growth. He asked lots of questions about my business, process, and routine. He listened. And he shared his wisdom. I left feeling a new layer of inspiration to take my business to the next level and had new tools to integrate into my day-to-day process. I would highly recommend taking the time and energy to invest in yourself and your business through working with Jordy. You won't regret it!”

Mental Wellness Mentor

You made a sacrifice to get to this point. Traded comfort for struggle towards something you believed in. At times, you question whether it was worth it. But despite the questioning you still haven’t gone back.
If it wasn’t worth it, you would’ve quit long ago. Keep believing.

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